Allowances Division
This team of economists, statisticians and program managers govern the Department’s annual station and housing allowances portfolio for the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness Military Compensation Policy Directorate. Staff expertise and experience includes survey design, market index development, statistical programming, finance, geospatial analysis, market research analysis, compensation policy, database management and program evaluation. Visit the Allowances Division for more information.
Data Science · Statistics · Survey Support (DS4)
DS4 delivers timely, accurate, and actionable insights to OPA and stakeholders through our expertise in statistics, data science, surveys, as well as our commitment to rigorous research and analytics. DS4 also provides innovative and scalable tools and processes, expert consultation, and direct analytical support, amplifying OPA's effectiveness in meeting the analytical and research needs of the P&R enterprise. DS4's responsive and high-quality technical work ensures reliable and replicable results, empowering informed decision-making.
Defense Testing and Assessment Center (DTAC)
DTAC provides fair and accurate measurements of examinees’ abilities and interests, efficient delivery of tests and high-quality career exploration and planning tools.
Health and Resilience (H&R)
H&R conducts research and analysis in order to promote the health, well-being and resilience of military Service members and DoD civilians. We support Service members and DoD personnel by conducting cutting-edge research on high-profile topics within the DoD, such as gender relations, sexual assault, equal opportunity, suicide prevention and command climate.
Joint Advertising, Market Research and Studies (JAMRS)
JAMRS eliminates redundancies and fosters efficiencies across DoD’s recruiting efforts to ensure that shared efforts are performed once for the entire department rather than individually by each Service’s marketing program.
Methods, Analysis, and Systems Support (MASS)
MASS is committed to providing timely, accurate, and valuable statistical, data science and analytical expertise while using the most effective cybersecurity-compliant IT solutions and systems.
Office of the Actuary (OACT)
OACT conducts annual valuations of the Military Retirement System, education benefits under the Montgomery GI Bill (MGIB), health care for the military retired population and the Voluntary Separation Incentive program. These valuations include projecting personnel, pay and benefits and calculating annual DoD contribution costs, as well as determining program unfunded liabilities and their amortizations. The Office also responds to requests for cost estimates of proposed changes in benefits from DoD, other government agencies and military service support groups.
Research Strategy, Policy, and Dissemination (R-SPD)
R-SPD facilitates and enhances OPA’s effectiveness in meeting the research and analytic needs of the P&R enterprise by providing OPA-wide strategic processes and tactical support. Our division vision is to ensure OPA’s capabilities are well-understood by our stakeholders and that our efforts align with P&R priorities.
Retention & Readiness Division (R&R)
R&R designs, conducts and analyzes joint-Service surveys focusing on military and family readiness and retention. This entails evaluating existing programs and policies, establishing baseline measures, implementing new programs and monitoring the progress and effects of new programs on the Total Force and their families.